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    The First Advantage offer is based on a holistic approach to the client’ needs and we seek to link the fundamental aspects of an anticipated project (business transaction), that is, financial, technical – technological, business and implementation aspects. This is a brick-box approach respecting what is known on the client side and what must be completed to the project preparation to achieve its necessary quality and completeness and successful implementation. Regardless whether it is a major project or just a partial service.

The dealing with client’ needs is always customized to a specific project and situation. In principle, there are three types of the client’ initial situation

  1. The client has an idea, an idea that is not comprehensive, financially, technically or commercially described
  2. The client has a clearer idea of the project, either financial, technical or commercial site and requires the completion of the comprehensive form
  3. The client has mastered the project design and preparation and requires some of the services


Client´ requirements for the First Advantage to ensure funding and to support the financial management may be type-classified as follows

  1. The client does not yet want to invest in integrated preparation of a project, he wants to use independent consulting services only to sub-section (ie feasibility study), which will help him for further decision
  2. The client enters an independent study (project plan audit) to ensure a comprehensive view of the project (ie financial, technical, sales, implementation audit)
  3. The client orders a full financial project preparation (turnkey solution)
  4. The client requires comprehensive implementation of the project funding, from processing business plan to securing external funding, through supervision over the procurement activities, Cost and Value, until the supervision over effectiveness and efficiency of financial resources spending

Through the following services, First Advantage brings clients maximum advantages arising from the minimization of risks, reduction of the implementation period and reduction of costs of projects without impacts on the quality.

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